Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Info Dump!


My name is Eamon Dougherty, Philadelphia native, cartoonist and nerd.

In case you are new to the blog, I try to update this space with sketches and finished illustrations from time to time.

I also have a blog where I write about comics and movies related to comics,


You can also find me on twitter! I am EamonBDoc

I also am on Tumblr, where I mostly reblog comics, anime, video game and art stuff, and on occasion scan comics from my collection. http://thebluefedora.tumblr.com/

ALSO, I did the Art for a comic written by Adam P. Knave and Lauren Vogelbaum, published by Monkeybrain comics! If you like cats or all ages comics I hope you will check it out!


And thanks for stopping by!


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